Serving the Lord and the community of Osseo, Minnesota for over 150 years.
Come, join and worship with us.
Services are live streamed to our YouTube page and posted to our Worship Services page and YouTube after the Service.
Tuesday, February 18th
9:15a Bible Study ***Cancelled***
Wednesday, February 19th
6:00p Lenten / Easter Choir
6:00p Confirmation 1
7:00p Confirmation 3
6th Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, February 23rd
8:00a Worship Service
9:15a Education Hour
10:30a Worship Service
Tuesday, February 25th
9:15a Bible Study
Wednesday, February 26th
6:00p Lenten / Easter Choir
6:00p Confirmation 1
7:00p Confirmation 3
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Sunday, March 2nd
8:00a Worship Service with Communion
9:15a Education Hour
10:30a Worship Service with Communion
Office Hours: 9a-1p Monday-Thursday
710 E. Broadway Street • Osseo 55369
We, as a Congregation, are "Stepping Out in Faith, as we returned to having our 8:00a & 10:30a Services.
As we are "Stepping Out in Faith", we expect the following:
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
710 E Broadway, Osseo, MN 55369
Sundays at 8:00a & 10:30a
Visit our website, stream services and view social sites wherever, whenever
Worship Services page
Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
Sundays at 9:15a